Thursday, June 11, 2009

Male Breast Reduction Surgery Popular

A recent article in the Health section of Newsmax reports that as cosmetic surgery for men becomes more mainstream, thousands of patients are flocking to their doctors for a procedure known as “male breast reduction surgery” to flatten and eliminate enlarged male breasts. For this procedure, a Tampa plastic surgeon uses a small incision to enter the breast area to remove excess fat or tissue that may be causing the chest or nipples to appear “puffy,” “feminine” or “enlarged”.

This procedure is typically performed under general anesthetic and can be performed using liposuction and/or a combination procedure where some tissue may need to be excised. According to a top plastic surgeon Tampa patients are definitely noticing on this trend. He states that male breast reduction surgery is a dream come true for men suffering from gynecomastia. Enlarged male breasts are usually the result of a genetic condition known as gynecomastia. Gynecomastia can occur in one breast or both, and usually will not resolve with a traditional diet or exercise routine. And while most cases of enlarged male breasts are genetically caused, certain medications such as Zantac, Celexa, Zoloft, Xanax, Vytorin and Cipro are also known to cause enlarged male breasts as a side effect.

Unlike breast augmentation Tampa male breast reduction procedures are often sought out by some men who have noticed the presence of enlarged breasts due to certain medications or weight gain, but for the most part, the male breast reduction patients many surgeons see on a daily basis have suffered with this condition since puberty. They often come in with painful stories of how they used to feel embarrassed to take their shirt off in the locker room or how they’ve always felt uncomfortable on the beach,” say Tampa breast implants specialists.

They see a variety of young adults who realize that one simple procedure can save them from years of embarrassment and insecurities caused by a condition that is beyond their control. High school and college is a period when young men should be having the time of their life-not feeling humiliated to take their shirt off at the pool or feel uncomfortable with certain clothing because of how it makes their chest look.

The American Society for Plastic Surgery ranked male breast reductions as the 4th most popular procedure for men in the United States last year.

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