Friday, November 20, 2009

Increase In Quality Of Life After Breast Augmentation And Reduction

breast augmentation TampaA study published in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal show a significant improvement in patients’ quality of life who underwent breast reduction surgery and breast augmentation Tampa sources say, indicating that benefits of the procedure go beyond the mere aesthetic result and practical functionality.

While breast augmentation surgery often involves patients getting breast implants Tampa surgeons note that a large number of procedures performed entail reducing overly-large breasts for improved appearance, symmetry, and self-esteem.

For breast reduction surgery, one hundred patients with breast hypertrophy were chosen to participate in the study, and randomly allocated into two groups. One group was selected to undergo breast reduction, while the other was put on a waiting list and served as a control group. At the beginning of the study, all patients were interviewed to collect demographic information, as well as to measure their self-esteem and functional capacity. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and Rolland-Morris (widely used self-esteem measures) were used for these quality of life measurements. Pain intensity was also measured using a visual analog scale. These measurements were evaluated again six months post-breast augmentation Tampa sources explain.

A decrease in the score on the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale indicated a marked improvement in self-esteem in these patients versus those in the control group after surgery. Functional capacity had also improved in this group of patients, who also reported a significant decrease in intensity of pain in the lower back. It is reasonable to conclude that these improvements were brought about by the breast reduction surgery.

According to statistics from the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), 153,087 reduction procedures were performed on women in 2007.

These findings will go a long way towards helping plastic surgeons to evaluate and better understand the impact of plastic surgery on patients’ lives, and serves as an example of our commitment to evidence based medicine and outcome studies in aesthetic surgery. For more information about breast reduction surgery or breast implants Tampa patients are encouraged to contact their plastic surgeons to learn more.

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